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- * ALS.library V6.12 FD
- ##base _alsbase
- ##bias 30
- ##public
- Als(donotreadprefs)(D0)
- *donotreadprefs is for 4.1 and up only
- Alsopenwin()()
- Alsclosewin()()
- Alsrnd(max)(D0)
- Alsmenu(mower1,mower2,mower3,mower4,mower5,mower6,hiddenmower)(A2,A1,A0,D3,D2,D1,D0)
- Alsmowerstatus(status,mower,hidden)(A0,D1,D0)
- Alsgame(background,hidden)(A0,D0)
- *Hidden mower and background options for 3.0 and up only
- *Alsgame hidden option for 6.12 and up only
- Alswin(message)(D0)
- *Alswin() only works properly on 1.5 and above
- Alsdie()()
- *Alsdie() only works properly on 4.0 and above
- Alsscrolly(message,title,xsize,xpos,ypos)(A1,A0,D2,D1,D0)
- *Alsscrolly() only works properly on 1.5 and above
- Alsscrollyclose()()
- *** V3.0 functions
- Alsreadprefs()()
- *** V4.0 functions
- Alsreadprefsfrom(prefsfile,pcformat)(A0,D0)
- *pcformat not implemented in 4.0
- *** V5.0 functions
- Alssetprefs(pref,val)(A0,D0)
- Alsgetprefs(pref)(D0)
- *** V6.0 functions
- Alsopenscreen(title)(D0)
- ##end